1. Total participants: 75.000
2. Number of present countries: 132, of all continents
3. Volunteer workers, interpreters, technical team and organizing institutions staff: 800 volunteers (200 for security), 120 international interpreters and 80 national interpreters, 100 Local Organizing Committee staff
4. Stall exhibitors, institutional fair, solidarity economy fair, restaurants and food service: 105
5. Cultural events: 50
6. Artists: 80
7. Official press, alternative media or freelance communicators: 228 registered communicators
8. Registered Organizations: 1.205 (in the online system)/ 4.072 delegates (in the online system)
9. Registered Self-organized activities: 1.200/ Extended Dakar: 77 activities in 20 countries
10. Registered Media vehicles: 150