• News
  • Registration
  • Program
  • In the media
2011/04/04 - 17:04
Dates were takes mainly from the results of the Assemblies of Convergence for Action. In case you have updates, please send it to: fsmsite
2011/02/28 - 18:02
Preliminary report of 2010 activities Towards Dakar 2011. By Gustave Massiah, the Research and Information Centre for Development (CRID - France) and member of the WSF International Council.
2011/02/24 - 00:02
Check out the documents of the Assemblies of Convergence for Action that took place in the 2011 edition of the WSF. As not all of the documents have been sent yet, this page will be constantly updated.
2011/02/10 - 13:02
The closing of the World Social Forum will take place on the 11th of february, from 4pm on, on the University Cheikh Anta Diop main stage (in the avenue of the Library, on the sea side).
2011/02/10 - 10:02
Check out the World Social Forum Dakar program of the 10th of February (Thursday).
2011/02/09 - 21:02
Check out the program of the Assemblies of Convergence for Action, which will be held on February 10-11.
Registrations, payment and withdrawal of KIT WSF 2011 will be as follows:
  • Friday, February 4: Opening of the press accreditation at Dakar University Library
  • Saturday 5 and Sunday 6: Registration, payment and withdrawal of WSf KIT FSM on the venue as follows:
    • NATIONAL (senegaleses): Jeremy Camp, Cheikh Antha Diop University / Dakar
    • AFRICA / EUROPA / AMERICA AND OTHER: Block UCAD 2 Cheikh Antha Diop University / Dakar
Start Time: 9:30 More information, contact the registration team at + or WSF Secretariat at +221.33 825 13 81

 The World Social Forum is an open space for all, without discrimination of race, origin, gender, religious beliefs, political ideologies, sexual orientation etc. The 2011 WSF Organizing Committee has developed this registration tool which is already opened for registration of organizations, individual participants and delegates, activities and also stall requests for the next edition of the Forum. You will be guided online during the whole process.

However, if you have Internet access difficulties, or if you know an organization that need to register but don’t have Internet Access, please, contact the Secretariat of the Organizing Committee, a form will be available to you for your registration:

Registration Guidelines
There are two modes of registration: individual and of organizations. Organizations can send up to 5 delegates and register 3 activities, which will be confirmed after the payment of registration fees is made. As in the other centralized editions of the WSF, to register a self-organized activity you must do it through the organization registration - individuals cannot register activities. If you wish to be only a participant, please fill in the individual participant form.

Deadline for registering is on December 15th, and deadline for payment is on December 25th. After the 15th it won't be possible to register self-organized activities any longer, but it will be possible to make changes in the content of the data (organization, activity, participants info). The deadline for this will be on December 25th too. Payment will be available soon.

If you have Internet access difficulties, or if you know an organization that need to register but don’t have Internet Access, please, contact the Secretariat of the Organizing Committee, a form will be available to you for your registration:

Click here to access the registration area.

Step by step
In case you have any difficulty in filling in the forms or to learn more on the registration process, please click here and go the Step by Step page.

If you are having doubt on which axis is more suitable for your activity, click here to read them again.

Organizations can request for interpretation for their activities on the Registration of Activities form. Please mind the aditional fees!

Organizations can request for exhibition stalls. To do so click the Stalls tab on the menu bar during the Registration process and request your stall. Please, mind the fees!

Assemblies of Convergence and Expanded Activities
Guidelines for registering Assemblies of Convergence and the Expanded Activities will be soon available.

Registration of communicators / Press Accreditation / Medias Center /
The WSF 2011 Media center is established on the WSF venue for journalists accredited for the WSF 2011 event. They can find information on Forum activities and other practical information’s relating to their stay in Senegal. The Center will also be opened to organizations registered for the forum and trying to organize activities with the press, such as press conferences, debates or interviews with journalists. Procedures will be established to organize and facilitate access. A special form for communicators is already online.


To be granted a visa in order to participate at the 2011 WSF in Dakar, we strongly recommend you to look for the Senegalese embassies and consulates in your countries/regions. These services were already informed by the Senegalese authorities and they intend to make the process easier. Other than that, for countries where there is no Senegalese Embassy, participants should get in touch as soon as possible with the Secretariat of the Organizing Commission: secretariatcomiteforumdakar or midiouf

T:   or


For more information:

Secretariat: secretariat / secretariatcomiteforumdakar
Dakar Expanded: dakaretendu2011
Registration: enregistrement and secretariat
Logistics: logisitque
Volunteers: volontaire
Webmaster: webmaster



Please check the News tab for the daily programs.

February 7: Program of the African and Diaspora Day

February 8: Self-organized Activities

/ part 2 / part 3 / Complete spreadsheet (proprietary)

February 10 - 11: Assemblies

Program of the Youth Camp

Cinema Program (Cinema Program proprietary)

Media Clippings from Around the World

Caducou a MP 557: Vitória dos movimentos sociais - Tuesday, June 5, 2012 - 13:16
Aconteceu o que os movimentos feministas e entidades que se ocupam de saúde da mulher, direitos reprodutivos e direitos sexuais tanto desejavam: caducou a...
Mulheres da Marcha preparam-se para a Cúpula - Monday, June 4, 2012 - 04:33
Não queremos mais a mercantilização dos nossos corpos, dos nossos direitos! Queremos a sustentabilidade da vida, a centralidade da produção do bem viver,...
Mulheres da Marcha preparam-se para a Cúpula - Monday, June 4, 2012 - 04:33
Não queremos mais a mercantilização dos nossos corpos, dos nossos direitos! Queremos a sustentabilidade da vida, a centralidade da produção do bem viver,...
The IMF and Lagarde get it wrongInternational ViewpointÉric Toussaint is a Professor of political science, President of CADTM Belgium, member of the...
Redes sociais sem censura e com privacidade - Saturday, June 2, 2012 - 20:09
Um diálogo entre as redes que não obedecem a nenhuma agenda corporativa, onde internautas são livres para se comunicar e desenvolvedores são livres para...
MLK Centre: Building Social Networks in Cuba for 25 YearsInter Press ServiceThe CMMLK is part of the World Social Forum International Council, and is a member...
Mídia Livre rumo à Cúpula dos Povos (entrevistas) - Thursday, May 31, 2012 - 22:06
- FSM 2011 Dakar / TV, Forum Mídia Livre , .Video FSM/WSF
Slumdogs, meet the millionairesTimes Higher EducationDr Frenzel said that his interest in the topic had partly been sparked when he attended the World Social...
Quando nos voltamos, em especial, para a África Subsaariana, a questão é muito clara - Mais de um em quatro dos 856 milhões de habitantes estão subnutridos e...
بيان مجموعة التنسيق (Groupe d'articulation) الدولية - Monday, May 28, 2012 - 23:01
لقمة الشعوب من أجل العدالة الاجتماعية و البيئية arabisation : said amouch révision : abdelkarim oubejja - FSM 2011 Dakar

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